Promotion to your convenience and full satisfaction. First month free!


Custom Ads - Any Event

Special Effects

Place your advertisement at

Type 3) 1000x150p

At the bottom of homepage. Random display of maximum 3 advertisers. Option to stand alone (fixed), for price times 3


Type 4) 1000x150p

At the top of a subpage. Random display of maximum 3 advertisers. Option to stand alone (fixed), for price times 3

Type 5) 1000x150p

At the bottom of a subpage. Random display of maximum 3 advertisers. Option to stand alone (fixed), for price times 3

Type 1 ) Standard 360x240p

Random display of maximum 100 advertisers

on homepage / load more feature

Type 1A/B) Premium 360x240p

Fixed on top of home/subpage

appearance at all visits

4 advertisers, two on the left, two on the right

Type 2)

Pole position! 587x330p Top of homepage. Picture or Video!

Random display of maximum 3 advertisers

Option to stand alone (fixed) Appearance at all visits, price times 3

Type 6)

Side bar homepage
maximum 3 advertisers each space

Option to stand alone (fixed)
appearance at all visits
price times 3

                      of Blackjack


                                            &  Poker

           the real thrill

  Type 7)


Side bar subpage

maximum 3 advertisers each space

Option to stand alone (fixed)

appearance at all visits

price times 3

                                      attract highrollers


For customers its free to advertise special events on our events-page. Together we will coordinate the advertisement to best implement your wishes.

Get started with our grand opening offer!

Early Bird Promo

Order today and get one month free!

Most fortunate advertising option for landbased, online casinos, pokerrooms, white label contractors, associated and other exciting business.

Promotion on a paramount generic gaming url. at affordable prices.

Type    1) Standard 360x240p homepage only 49 month
Type 1A) Premium 360x240p homepage 249/month
Type 1B) Premium 360x240p subpage 125/month
Type   2) Pole position 249/month - pic or video max. 2 MB
Type   3) Banner bottom homepage 149/month
Type   4) Banner on top of subpage 99/month
Type   5) Banner bottom of subpage 79/month
Type   6) Banner side bar homepage 199/month
Type   7) Banner side bar subpage 99/month
Advertisers may post special events on the events-page free of charge!

         +49 - 176 - 217 44 777

President Enterprises

                                     President Enterprises LLC USA

CUSTOMIZED SPACE - we figure out best solutions for your business

True Targeted Traffic

Virtual Estates

Blue Bird









Making advertisers happy! Increased attention of visiting players. Over a hundred webpages and relevant urls. on different levels such as .com, .net, .org, .co, .eu,,,  .de, .io, .ag, .casino, .poker, .live, .app are additionaly linked or redirected to

Latest achievement =

Visitor Statistics


Worth knowing:


Other than the website, software or license is the URL fundamental. It is the business card of every company. It is its reputation, its brand. The best prerequisite for successful search engine optimization and in the best case it generates customers on its own, without the cost of additional advertising through any media.

We know from our own experience that you cannot rely on any visitor statistics. From our point of view each stat is manipulated in one way or the other. So-called bots (robots) or AI (artificial intelligence) and other means are used to pretend a distorted picture. We recommend that you do not blindly trust any statistics, regardless of the medium they come from. Instead, it is better to estimate the potential of a domain yourself. Various factors need to be taken into account.

"I only believe the statistics that I falsified myself"

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) British Prime Minister and Nobel Prize winner